Kenn Yap -





Updates on Fridays



January Rewards

January rewards are here soon! This month I'll be showing step-by-steps on how to work from a 3D render to a finished image. There will also be a FREE BONUS timelapse video for everyone this month. I hope you'll learn something useful from my process.

Come check it out. We're having so much fun!


Kenn YapComment
A Lapse in Time

See what I did with the title there? Cause I haven't been posting much here? Okay well time to brush off the dust and get this sucker running again.

I've been recording timelapses of all my paintings for the Patreon. Here are a couple and if you wanna see more check out my Patreon!

Kenn Yap Comment
Patreon Announcement

Exciting news!

I've started a Patreon account. I've been trying to sustain doing my own stuff lately so your support will be much appreciated. Don't worry, I'll still post regularly here. This Patreon is for those who want extra content (e.g PSD files, Photoshop brushes).

So head on over! And thank you again for your support!


Kenn YapComment